25 September 2012

lump on a log

I can't remember the last time I blogged. I bet my last entry said something like, "Today is the day, gonna be good, gonna exercise, gonna eat right, etc etc etc."

I hate writing those kinda of entires because I come back to the blog weeks later, having failed that entry. I weigh more now then I have since 2007. I physically feel like such a bum, and I hate it. I hate feeling like this, and it's no ones fault except mine. I feel like all the progress I made throughout the year has gone down the toilet, and I have to start over.

A few weeks ago I decided to go for a run. I went a block when my right knee, left thigh, and hip twinged. I had to walk the rest of my route. I remember when I first started to run for fun earlier this year. It sucked in the beginning, but it felt so rewarding! I see posters for random 5K's around Batavia, and I get so sad. I couldn't run one tomorrow if I had to. Remember when I ran through a heavy tourist area of Montreal in my booty shorts? AND FELT GOOD?! I want to be like that again.

Needless to say, I feel like a stuffed sausage in my bridesmaids dress for my brothers wedding.