27 December 2013

Big plans for 2014

I have big plans for 2014. Big ones.

Since I've last updated (in June, crap) I've ballooned to 160+ pounds (damn you holidays!), I've finished my first semester at UW-Madison (and got AB grades for both classes. Whatever that means), and I've found myself a cozy library job out in Carol Stream. I'm still working retail (grr), but it's a goal to leave that forever sometime next year. Peter found a big boy job and comes home every night at 12 am covered in graphite, looking dirty (and sexy) as hell. I've gauged my ears to a 4, though 2 is my goal size. Should be stretching that within the next week and then I'll be able to wear my cool plugs that I got for Christmas. I also have a tap gig at a dance studio in Batavia teaching Tap I to 10-14 year olds. That starts on January 13th.

I wish this could have been a photo update, but I'm at work, and cannot screw around too much. I may add photos later... we'll see.


  • Keep a food journal.
  • Keep an exercise journal.
  • Run another 10K.
  • If that goes well, run a 1/2 marathon by 2015.
  • Leave Rocky.