04 April 2016


What word or saying from the past do you think should come back?


It's what you say when you agree with someone someone else has said. For example:

Person 1: Yo, these hot dogs are amazing!
Person 2: Word.
[both eat hot dogs]

03 April 2016

Weekly round-up!

I've been slacking! Only made it to the gym twice this past week, and I didn't teach tap either. I've been a total bum!! I cannot wait until it gets nicer outside... I'd love to start running in the mornings.

March 28-April 3, 2016

  • Spin class: 33 minutes, 10.4 miles.
  • Treadmill: walk 15 minutes, high incline.
  • Stationary bike: 15 minutes, 11 resistance.
  • 24 push-ups, 24 sit-ups, 45 second plank, 12 burpees, 24 mountain climbers, 25 jumping jacks, 12 weighted squats. 
  • At least 910 calories burned.
I was late to spin class because I wanted to get some HIIT in. My goal is to get back to a routine of at least going every Monday, Wednesday, Friday, with the occasional weekend day. We'll see. We're starting to get really busy at work, what with it being April, and we need to have everything for Summer Reading locked down by Memorial Day... That, and we have 8 rehearsals until the recital. Eight. My Tap 1 piece is a hot mess, and I just realized that Roger Daltrey says "Who the fuck are you?!" in the middle of my recital song... So... that's a problem. Did I mention our Summer Reading Kick-Off event is the same day as the recital?! What a long weekend I have to look forward to!!