I'm going to stop stressing about my weight and my body image. I'm not going to beat myself up if I missed a work out, or if I gorge on Panda Express. That being said, I'm still going to track on My Fitness Pal, just to make sure I don't let myself go TOO badly. There is a difference between health freak and junk food junkie. I'd like to sit comfortably in the middle.
Lately I've been stressing about 20 pounds. The lowest weight I can remember being is 135 pounds. I haven't budged under 155 pounds in months, and that's finally okay. I have bigger things to worry about and to focus my energy on then being depressed over my recent bump to size 13 jeans. Who cares! The profession I want to get into doesn't look at me and judge me based off of my size. They look at my drawings, my sketches, paintings, mosaics, my ART. I need to focus more on that, and once I get into a rhythm, I can start to add work outs here and there.
List of things I have on my mind at any given moment:
- I gotta practice drawing in photoshop.
- I gotta get a sketchbook and draw in it daily.
- I gotta work on my mosaics.
- I wanna watch LOST. SO BADLY.
- Oops, gotta start wedding planning!
- Shit, have I worked out today?
- When is the next time I work at Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory?
- When is the next time I'm a runner for Vino van Gogh?
- Damnit, I teach with Vino in XXX days, gotta practice teaching.
- It's Thursday, gotta head to my internship and Life Drawing class.
- What am I going to have for lunch?
- So, how broke am I?
- Have I showered lately?