26 May 2014

My future with running

I've decided that after my 1/2 marathon in August, I'm taking a break from hardcore running. I've also decided that 6 miles is going to be my limit.

Last Friday I ran 8 miles (again, for the 3rd time during this training session). After I finished, and took my cool down lap around the track (which was excruciating), I laid on the floor for 15 minutes. Someone even asked me if I was okay.  I was, I just needed to not move for a while. When trying to get up, I laughed at my helplessness, as I failed multiple times.

Anything after 6 miles just doesn't feel good anymore. It hurts, and not a good hurt either. Not like after leg day hurt. More like, cut my legs off hurt. I can't describe it.

So, I'm terrified for this Friday, when I have to add another mile and run 9 miles. I miss enjoying my long run days, now I dread them.

1 comment:

  1. Wouldn't it be nice if running was easy? And kind to your body? If you really hurt that bad and you hate it that much right now, I would maybe try another 8 mile run this week instead of the 9. And do the 9 next week. Yeah, you'll be a week "behind" but you might be increasing your run distances too fast for you.

    You're doing awesome! I love seeing your long run days on MFP
