25 August 2015

A monumental day...

Back in March of this year, I had my first Artist for an Evening program at the Carol Stream Public Library. I was super excited that I got to combine my passion for painting and library land. Pictures were taken... They were not flattering. Since then, I just don't look good in grey, period. BUT ALAS, I was unhappy. That night, and the night of the orange, were the big push I needed to get my act together and finally lose some weight. At the time of these pictures I was 170 pounds. This morning, after 5 months, I hit 155 pounds. 15 pounds in 5 months doesn't seem amazing, but it feels pretty good.

Okay, so the night of the orange.

Peter and I had finished dinner, and I was in a habit of eating something sweet before bed. Whether that was ice cream, cookies, or fruit. (What a terrible habit, btw). So we finish dinner, and I grab an orange and sit down with him on the couch. Start scene:

Peter: Are you eating more?
Aimee: Yeah, it's just an orange.
Peter: I have patience with you. I let you cry to me and tell me that you're upset with the way you look and that you want to change it. But if you want to change, you have to go all in. You can't eat an orange because it's there. You don't need it. You have two options, go 100%, cut your calories, and go to the gym OR be happy the way your are. I'm tired of this flip-flopping.

Peter has little patience, and I get it. Especially when your fiance (at the time) comes to you constantly unhappy with herself, but refused to commit to change. Things were tense that night, but it was worth it. I credit that night as being the final push I needed to get my act together. Since then, we've had a handful of more AFaE programs, and I think I look better in each one. That, and I've also learned to wear flattering clothing on those days!

1 comment:

  1. That's a hard conversation to have, but I'm glad you're feeling better about yourself. Go you!
