27 June 2012

moving fail.

Remember when I was supposed to move back to Chicago the weekend of the 23rd?


Complications arose, which forced me to stay in Montreal for at least a week longer. Which means my start over healthy lifestyle got postponed another week. Did somebody say cookies, chocolate, soda, and cupcakes?! (ugh.)

I've been thinking about my start over. Here are my goals:

  • I want to cut out most processed foods. Boxed mashed potatoes, mac & cheese, ketchup, BBQ sause, cookies, hotdogs, etc. I want to abide by the rule of ingredients. Saying if the ingredient list contains more than 10, it's not for me. So I'll eat more veggies, nuts, fruits, stuff like that. 
  • I'm going to start DDP Yoga and follow the provided routine. 
  • I'm going to do cardio every other day. Spinning, running, elliptical, biking. Rotate what I do so my muscles do not get into a routine. 
  • I don't want to count calories anymore. I was becoming obsessed with the numbers, and it's just not me. If I eat mainly unprocessed foods, I don't think I'll need to count calories anyway. I still want to record what I eat, and how much I exercise, but I don't want to obsess over it. Why? Because I know I won't want to count calories for the rest of my life. 
  • I want to record my weight weekly (Tuesdays) and record my measurements (waist, hips, thighs, etc) and take progress pictures on the 1st of the month. 
  • No more soda.
  • No more picking.
  • I want to brush my teeth twice a day. 
Honestly, aside from this blog, I want my journey to be a bit more private. The encouragement is great, but I don't want to do all this and only strive for that "Way to go!" comment on My Fitness Pal. Like satisfaction will come out of a lousy comment made by some person I don't know. It's more annoying to me than anything else. 

SO! This all begins once I move someplace where I control what I eat. 

12 June 2012

Small Hiatus

In light of current life events, I'm going to have to put this blog on hiatus, at least until July.

Life events include:

  • Packing the apartment.
  • Moving back to Illinois.
  • Unpacking life.
  • Dealing with the United States Government and Immigration. 
I'm not sure if I'll have the time or the space to exercise in-house. And given we need to eat the rest of our food, it looks like I'll be eating a lot of pasta and canned beans and tuna. Thus, I'm not going to be concerned with my diet until I'm settled in Illinois. 

Julien and I will be separated until the US Government decides he can move in with me. We were apart for a year, together for a year, and now we'll be apart for up to 6 more months. It sucks, it's unexpected, I just hope we can settle the Immigration stuff quickly and correctly so we can continue our life together. 

Otherwise, I have a few prompts for when I begin blogging regularly again. Until then, stay healthy!

06 June 2012

I had a few really good prompts... but I don't remember what they were. I must make notes more often.

Since I'm on a mini vacation, I probably won't post everyday, but rather a larger conglomerate at the end of the week or beginning of next week. Just know that I've been within my TDEE since coming back to IL, and that I haven't gone crazy... yet.

Places I love that are near Batavia, but not Montreal.
Steak 'n Shake
Panda Express
Noodles and Company
Hobby Lobby

03 June 2012

Healthy and Safe Travels

I'm currently at Burlington International Airport in Vermont. By 8 o'clock tonight (hopefully), I'll be in Chicago, visiting for a week. I'm excited to see friends and family, but, honestly, I miss my puppies children and future husband like crazy. Cray-cray.

Anyway, I knew there would be nothing healthy at the airport, so I decided to pack a few apples for the trip. I know, I'm sooo healthy. And, even though it probably wasn't a smart idea, I bought a 1 liter sized bottle of water, ironically called Smart Water. Four seats away from me sat a trendy looking, very pretty woman, drinking the same water. For some reason, it gave me a confidence boost.

I also bought a magazine and read an article about Miranda Lambert. There was a quote I loved in particular:
Everybody needs a partner like Blake Shelton. 

01 June 2012

I dropped the ball

DAMNIT! I missed another Vs. Thursday....

Feel-Good, Freak-Out Friday, I won't miss out on another one of these though!

Feel-Good: I just finished day 9, level 2 of Jillian's 30 Day Shred. It's amazing, when I did day 1, I could barely do anything. I mean, I still hate squat thrusts, but I don't have to do the modified version anymore. I rock it out with Natalie! Also, I'm going to Illinois for a week on Sunday to visit my family and friends. Hopefully I'll continue to run and continue doing the 30 Day Shred while I'm there. It's gotten to the point where I don't make time for fitness, it's become a natural part of my day, and I enjoy doing it.

Freak-Out: I went to the vet yesterday with both puppies. Let me tell you, walking 2 dogs at once is no cake walk, especially when both dogs are right-sided walkers. Anyway, our 1 year old pug weighs 32 pounds! The vet compared him to a 300 pound human. Pugs are only supposed to weigh 18-20 pounds... And since they're prone to breathing problems, because of their squashed faces, it's imperative that we keep him at a healthy weight. So, we're switching him over to diet dog food, walking him more often, and giving him less treats and table scraps. It's scary, Chubbs has really become part of our family, and Julien and I adore him. We want to make sure he's absolutely healthy and fit.