29 February 2016

#randomquestion: Technology

Does technology simplify life or make it more complicated?

Yes. I think certain things have gotten easier with the invention of technology. I got my masters degree ONLINE. I hardly was forced to leave the house. Technology can be amazing! BUT I think it messes up the simple things. Like getting out of the house, going for a walk, visiting a zoo, or eating at a restaurant. People are so consumed with posting or tweeting, that they can't see what's in front of their face... 

28 February 2016

Competition Day!

My tappers: Piper, Audrey, me, Mia, Lilly, Zoe.
I've been to dance competitions before as an observer, but never as a choreographer. Last summer, the director of the studio I work for asked me to choreograph a tap dance for their competition team. Of course I said yes! We've been working on a Backstreet Boys piece since September-ish, and we finally brought it to competition yesterday. And I've learned a few things.

  1. Competition pieces and recital pieces are NOT the same. Recital pieces need to be polished, and you can alter the choreography, and make it easier for everyone to execute flawlessly. Competition pieces need to be flawless and difficult. 
  2. You cannot take shortcuts, as a choreographer, especially if the students are competing in higher age levels and classes. If you do take shortcuts, you won't place. 
  3. Competing is hard work, and I'm amazed at our students at ASA. They're awesome.
Even though my tap girls didn't place, I am SO proud of them. Unlike the other tap groups who have probably been tapping for over 10 years, my group probably has, collectively, 10 years under their belt. They love the piece. They love putting on those shoes. They're spunky, they have attitude, and I love them.

I know I'm supposed to be a hardass, as it is a competition piece. And I'm going to work on upping the difficulty and really drilling it into the kids, but I can't help but have the proud mother feeling and mentality...

26 February 2016

25 February 2016

#vsthursday: Mac vs. PC

A little history of VS. Thursday before we jump in. I graduated with my BA from North Central College in 2011. (Wait. That is going to be 5 years ago this June. What the hell? Where did the time go?) For either a graduation gift or a going away gift (I moved to Montreal July of 2011), my friend Tyler gave me this book called, "Vs.: A Journal of Choices." In it you have to choose one thing over another, and what you choose says something about yourself. I haven't done a Vs. Thursday since 2012, so I'm interested to see if my choices have changed in the last 4 years... Probably, I'm a different person than I was back then... Anyway, on to the Vs!

Mac vs. PC

I'm going with PC. Mac computers are expensive, and they do the same thing PC computers do... If you would have asked past Aimee, she would have said Mac, but the present Aimee, the one who doesn't leach off of her parents and has to buy things for herself, says PC. I'm on one right now!

NOW if the question was Apple vs. Microsoft, iPhone vs. Android, or iPad vs. some other tablet, we'd have a few different answers... as I text you from my iPhone and play World Chef on the iPad.

If you chose mac: you're artsy and pretentious.
If you chose pc: you're practical and cheap.

What do you choose?

24 February 2016

#reactionwednesday: SPANX

Spanx. What an awful sounding word for something that is so functional and wonderful. Spanx are undergarments that flatten and shape your body. Usually I wear them under maxi shirts and form fitting dresses. But today I decided to wear them under my jeans and see if they sparked a reaction.

I have a long history with doing this. Back in high school, on the days where I had to run right to dance class after school, I wore my leotard under my clothes. Strange? Yes. But I loved how it tucked everything in and made my clothing fit nicely. Yes, high school Aimee, the one who was 135 pounds still felt the need to tuck and slim down. I got excited when body suits were popular last summer for that reason... though I never bought one.
I have a secret.

So, the only reaction I got at work was from my good friend Carol, who saw my tweet from earlier in the day (@aimeeelise_marx). I wasn't expecting any reaction, just thought it'd be something interesting to notice. No one outwardly said, "Have you lost weight?!" Probably because these people see me (nearly) daily, and it's hard to notice subtle changes.

On a level of comfort, I'd give them a 6/10. Would I be more comfortable if I wasn't wearing them? Yes. Were they uncomfortable? Sometimes. Mainly when they were pressing into my upper abdomen after sitting for a long period of time. They're definitely nicer when standing.

Wearing them does impact your self esteem, at least my own. Knowing my muffin top was under control made me happy. Sometimes when I wear spanx, I feel like I'm lying to people though. Like I'm showing people what I look like, but I had to manipulate my body and change it into what others are seeing. And that if they look at my real body, they'd be freaked out and disgusted. (Wow, that was honest). But what I need to understand and realize is that a lot more people than I think wear spanx everyday. I am envying what these people look like on the outside, wishing my body could also look like that, when their body doesn't even look like that. I just need to think of it as enhancing what is already wonderful, rather than covering up what is flawed. Like make-up; my face is beautiful without, but it can only get better with... Unless I attempt winged eyeliner... YIKES.

One of the most beautiful women I know, both inside and out, tweeted at me saying, "I LOVE spanx! I'm wearing some right now!" I look up to this woman, as she is kind, sweet, and strong. If she can love them, so can I. #spanxforlife

23 February 2016


156 lbs.

Nice. About a year ago, I was pushing 170 lbs, so I'm happy.

Why does this number matter so much? Well, it really doesn't shouldn't. The number on the scale shouldn't effect how you feel about yourself. I understand the thrill of lower numbers, but I also understand the dread, and self-loathing of higher numbers. It's a tricky line to walk... I feel like if I'm not exercising, and if I'm not eating right, then I stress out about the numbers more. I know I'm not doing anything to remain healthy, so numbers are all I have. But when I'm eating right and going to the gym, the numbers don't matter much to me anymore because I feel better. That's where I'm at now. (Ignore the fact that I'm not at the gym this morning...)

I love my body. I love my curves. I love my skin. And I love my butt! I just want to feel better and get healthier for these reasons:

  1. Loosing 10 more pounds will be better for pregnancy and baby.
  2. No, I'm not pregnant (yet).
  3. I can't afford a new wardrobe. 
  4. Having energy is GREAT. 
  5. When I get that thigh tattoo, I want to be confident enough to show it off all the time.

22 February 2016


Random Question
What were you really into when you were a kid?

Frogs. Not the real kind, but the fake kind. Any sort of frog jewelry, stationary, t-shirts, anything. 
Boy bands. New Kids on the Block. 'Nsync. Backstreet Boys. 
I wish I could say The Wiggles... but I was into them in high school, which is embarrassing and confusing. 

Monday's are always rough for me. I usually work for 6 hours, and then have to go teach tap for another 3. And for some reason, my students have been crazy for the past few weeks. So I usually end up with a headache and really hungry... 

We got our girl scout cookies today. I stashed a box of Samoa's in my desk at work... don't tell Peter. 

Monday Movements
  • Alternate bicep curls; 10 lbs, 2 sets, 12 reps.
  • Ab twists; 10 lbs plate, 3 sets, 12 reps on each side.
  • Leg curls; 40 lbs, 12 reps, 1 set; 45 lbs, 12 reps, 1 set.
  • Standing calf raises; body weight, 12 reps, 2 sets.
  • Smith machine squats; 30 lbs, 12 reps, 2 sets.
  • Cardio; 1/2 mile run.
  • Cardio; 2h 45m of teaching tap. 

21 February 2016

Hello. It's me. I was wondering if after all these years you'd like to meet....

Last Monday, I decided it would be a good idea to start fresh. Peter went back to work after recovering from his hernia surgery, meaning we're forced to get up early, meaning I have time to go to the gym before work. The timing was right. I went Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday. And I feel good. I'm doing a strength training program that I found on bodybuilding.com. It's marketed as the best way to lose fat, outside of excessive cardio. It's easy, and it's working for me, and it's a lot easier to go to the gym when you have a schedule.

I've opted against trying outside supplements or diet enhancers. Things like tea detoxes, and the like, don't appeal to me. I know with a careful eye on my diet and exercise, I can accomplish my goals.

Speaking of, remember when I posted weigh-in Tuesdays and Vs. Thursdays and Feel-Good, Freak-Out Fridays? I'd love to do that again... So, tomorrow is as good a day as ever.

Monday: I'll answer a random question.
Tuesday: Weigh-in.
Wednesday: Reaction.
Thursday: Vs.
Friday: Feel-good.

I'd also love to share my work-outs and food related qualms and successes. Maybe some reviews. Progress on my 2016 goals...

Here are my links to my social media... follow me, won't you?
Twitter (personal)
Twitter (professional)