24 February 2016

#reactionwednesday: SPANX

Spanx. What an awful sounding word for something that is so functional and wonderful. Spanx are undergarments that flatten and shape your body. Usually I wear them under maxi shirts and form fitting dresses. But today I decided to wear them under my jeans and see if they sparked a reaction.

I have a long history with doing this. Back in high school, on the days where I had to run right to dance class after school, I wore my leotard under my clothes. Strange? Yes. But I loved how it tucked everything in and made my clothing fit nicely. Yes, high school Aimee, the one who was 135 pounds still felt the need to tuck and slim down. I got excited when body suits were popular last summer for that reason... though I never bought one.
I have a secret.

So, the only reaction I got at work was from my good friend Carol, who saw my tweet from earlier in the day (@aimeeelise_marx). I wasn't expecting any reaction, just thought it'd be something interesting to notice. No one outwardly said, "Have you lost weight?!" Probably because these people see me (nearly) daily, and it's hard to notice subtle changes.

On a level of comfort, I'd give them a 6/10. Would I be more comfortable if I wasn't wearing them? Yes. Were they uncomfortable? Sometimes. Mainly when they were pressing into my upper abdomen after sitting for a long period of time. They're definitely nicer when standing.

Wearing them does impact your self esteem, at least my own. Knowing my muffin top was under control made me happy. Sometimes when I wear spanx, I feel like I'm lying to people though. Like I'm showing people what I look like, but I had to manipulate my body and change it into what others are seeing. And that if they look at my real body, they'd be freaked out and disgusted. (Wow, that was honest). But what I need to understand and realize is that a lot more people than I think wear spanx everyday. I am envying what these people look like on the outside, wishing my body could also look like that, when their body doesn't even look like that. I just need to think of it as enhancing what is already wonderful, rather than covering up what is flawed. Like make-up; my face is beautiful without, but it can only get better with... Unless I attempt winged eyeliner... YIKES.

One of the most beautiful women I know, both inside and out, tweeted at me saying, "I LOVE spanx! I'm wearing some right now!" I look up to this woman, as she is kind, sweet, and strong. If she can love them, so can I. #spanxforlife

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