27 June 2013

Adieu Chubbs

This past weekend my mom and I took my pug to the Canadian border. I gave him up to Julien, my ex-fiance, because right before he left to go back to Montreal, I told him, "If at any point you are able to afford and accommodate the Chubby, I will give him back to you." And I had to keep that promise. But do not be sad. I posted a status on facebook that I think covers my thoughts and feelings about giving up Chubbs.

This post is going to be picture heavy. I wanted to document all the last fun times I had with Chubbs. So, here goes! 

Mom and I left early on Saturday morning and started to head east. We stopped at the Warren Dunes in Sawyer, Michigan so Chubbs could experience the beach before he became a city dog. He definitely did not run into the water naturally, but I did manage to get his belly wet, and ultimately I think he liked it. It cooled him off for sure. 

 After the beach, we needed to kill time before our room was available at the Red Roof Inn (which, by the way, was one of those hotels where drug deals went down. At least, it looked like those hotels, but dogs stayed for no extra charge, so it was good deal), so we went to the BBQ place in Benton Harbor called Charlie's Piggin' and Grinnin'. The wait-staff was SO impressed with Chubbs ("He does look like the dog from Men in Black!!") that we received the best customer service. They brought all our food outside (no dogs allowed inside), our drinks outside, and even poured water into Chubby's dish. Most of them were too afraid to actually pet Chubbs, but every one of the staff made sure to say bye to him when we left. OH, and the food was pretty excellent too.

Then we went to get gelato at this cool glass art studio/gelato place. They were having a sidewalk sale outside where you could get really awesome, one-of-a-kind glass pieces for like $5. The inside was totally hipster, crazy textured walls and funky glass magnets for sale. But I liked it, always nice to see people support the local art scene.

The rest of the night was spent watching murder shows on tv, napping, finding a drive thru Little Caesars  and watching a Discovery Channel special about Nik Wallenda.

The following morning, the morning of the drop off day, we took our time getting ready, got some crappy breakfast from a steak 'n shake, and started traveling across the state of Michigan. The most exciting moment was when we saw a highway sign advertising a Tim Hortons. Now, you American's probably do not understand the magic that is Tim Hortons, but I know all you Canadians know what I'm talking about. So we had to stop. I bought my mother and I a medium Ice Capp. I savored it, it was pure bliss.

Our drop off location was right across the border in Ontario, in the parking lot of a casino. My mom and I had gotten there an hour early, so we took the Chubbs next to the water, and of course took a few last pictures.

Julien arrived, and thankfully it only took Chubbs 2 seconds to go from who are you?! to OMG I KNOW YOU! He barked, but soon wagged his tail like crazy and jumped right up to him. I was so nervous that Chubbs would be hesitant and clingy to me, but it was the complete opposite. While Julien and I were exchanging items we had brought for each other, Julien's co-piolet took Chubby under a tree, when he proceeded to lay down and cool off. The overall meeting wasn't as awkward as I thought it would be. That's why I like being an adult. Both of us were very mature about everything, and that's all I could have asked for. Chubbs jumped right into Julien's car, even before we were done exchanging goods. As you can see to the right, he was ready to go, and clearly excited to experience new adventures (and air conditioning). I couldn't have been happier with the exchange, and I know Chubbs is in good hands. I haven't cried about losing him, because I do not fear for his well-being or safety. No need to cry :)
Our drive back to Illinois was long... but we started it with a surprising amazing meal at Applebees, which lasted us the rest of the trip. I didn't pull into the apartments until about 11 pm, in which I got attacked by Nutella and Peter. I ate a bowl of cereal, and the rest is history. 

20 June 2013

we can't stop

I'm going to get a lot of flack for this (probably), but that's ok. Today I watched Miley Cyrus's new music video for her song, "We Can't Stop." And by watched it, I mean 3 or 4 times. And you know what? I really liked it. It was weird, it was strange, it was artsy, it was just... crazy. It didn't make any sense, which is why I have a slight infatuation with it.

Some of my favorite parts:

  • The strange TV head.
  • Miley tonguing the Barbie doll.
  • The lady "cutting" off her fingers causing pink goo to erupt from her hand.
  • Miley getting her head stepped on around the 3 minute mark.
  • Weird dancing bears.
  • The guy really enjoying himself while eating bread. 
  • Let's not forget the money sandwich.
I also just love how Miley rocks her style. The grillz, her weird suspender suit, and homeless guy hat. She don't give a fuuuuck, and I love it.

So anyway, watch it. It's really special, let me know what you think! 

Awesome Inspiration

To counter my Debbie Downer entry I just posted, watch this video. It's so awesome. I look up to this guy way too much.

The Crash

Last night at about 3:30 in the morning, I was awoken by a EEeEEeEEE BANG sound. Not sure what it was (sounding like a shotgun firing outside our apartment complex), I fell back asleep, heart-a-pounding. Not an hour later I was awoken again. But this time it sounded like a thousand lawnmowers were outside our window. Peter didn't flutter an eyelid, sound asleep. I honestly had no idea what was going on.

At 5:30 am, my alarm went off. I look out my bedroom window and spot a helicopter hovering right above my apartment complex. Still thinking the first sound was that of a gunshot, I get a little freaked out. Should I stay clear from the windows? Should I turn on the tv and see if there is breaking news for my area? I do neither, and instead, clear my head with a hot shower. As I was walking out the door at 6:10 am, I notice a cop car right in front of my apartment door, just sitting on my street. The street perpendicular to mine has 3 to 4 more cop cars on it, and a few men are redirecting traffic off the main street. It was then when I decided to call my mom, and I asked her if she heard anything about a car accident near me.

That's what it was. Apparently  a younger man (21 years old) drove his car off the road, right next to my apartment complex, hit a speed limit sign (damn near bent it in half) and a tree. That was the first sound. The second sound was the helicopter airlifting the man away from the scene to a nearby hospital. Thankfully, the accident occurred so early in the morning, and the driver did not hit any other cars. The condition of the man is unknown to me, but having been airlifted, I imagine it isn't good.

I can be even more thankful that the man didn't swerve in the other direction, because directly across the street where he ended up is the apartment complex. And while Peter and I do not live street-side, we certainly are close enough to be affected. And I know there are little children that live next door to us. If he went in the opposite direction, more people could have been injured, or even dead. Driving home from work tonight, I drove in the same lane as that man did. The police marked the road where he crashed. They basically spray painted his tracks on the pavement, and I could see and imagine my car going right into the ditch, mimicking the incident from the night before. And it freaked me the fuck out. 

When I entered the apartment, I sat with Peter and cried a bit. It's so easy to forget how quickly people can dissipate from life, so I made sure to tell him how much he means to me, how much I appreciate him, and how awesome he is. Never, ever, EVER take this life for granted, and spend every moment with people you love, doing things that you love and make you utterly happy. Make every moment count.

Article about the crash: Click here.

17 June 2013

chest day and bench pressing


But really, chest day is not my best day. And I quote:

Aimee: So, how much did I press today?
Peter: Pfft, maybe 60 pounds... once?

My form is lacking, and my upper body strength is definitely not as good as my lower body strength, but it's probably more than I've ever benched before, so that's a plus.

All day long I've been waiting for the DHL people to deliver my bridesmaids dress for my dear Lizzie's wedding. I got and email, a text, AND a voicemail saying they would be here on Monday (today) and that I should be ready and waiting for them. Have they come yet? NO. Dumb.

16 June 2013

Wife Swap

So, I'm watching Wife Swap this morning, and I get to an episode where a super healthy mom swapped lives with a super Italian, heavier mom. And let me tell you, the super healthy mom is really making me angry because all she does, the entire episode is fat shaming. I feel like she feels entitled to making those comments because she lost 80 pounds, because she grew up fat. Bull, you're not higher up, you're not above everyone because you used to be fat, now you're thin. It was like she lost 80 pounds, but gained 80-thousand pounds of cockiness. I mean, she stands while eating dinner (while her family sits) because it burns more calories. She just... bugs me. Thoughts?

Maybe I just like being healthy, but I also like eating (especially big Italian dinners). My family, my heart, is a big Italian meal. And I love that! But I also love being healthy and not feeling like I'm going to die after a meal. So seeing both extremes clash really annoyed me, when I can live with both extremes in my life perfectly.

15 June 2013

The day Aimee, Jersey, and Katie became movie stars

Today I went out to Naperville to hang out with these lovely ladies. And while we were at lunch, we got to be extras for a movie! We were sitting by the window at Features, a bar downtown. Outside of the bar, a whole bunch of techy guys were setting up lights and cameras. The assistant director came into the bar, sat at our table, and told us that we might be in the shot, and to not look outside the windows, not look directly at the camera, and not to make eye contact with any actors. So, we were doing our best to do that, you know, making grand gestures and not picking our noses. After they were done filming, a production assistant brought us a waiver to use our likeness in the movie. So, they took our photo, we gave them our names and email addresses, and if that scene doesn't get cut, we'll be at the end of the credits! How cool?!

The movie is called, "Precious Mettle." So when it comes out, make sure to go and see it and keep a look out for our faces!

Happy Friday!

Today was a loooong day. It started with applying for a job in Carol Stream. It was about a 30 minute drive, which really isn't bad considering the job pays $20 an hour. Worth it! It's still a part time job, but it's a library job, which is better than a retail job.

Before heading into work tonight, I went for a run outside. Using this website, I tracked how long my run was. Ultimately it was a little over 2 miles. I didn't run the whole time because it was kinda hot, and also because I just didn't want to. Official training for the 10K doesn't start until July 1st, so I'm definitely going to take it easy until then. No use injuring myself before training even begins!

I wanted to say something about my running fashion... but then I realized no one was home to take my picture (and also that I'm so not into fashion), so you're stuck with a MySpace-esque picture of me in my little shorts. I made the shirt in Craft Club my Junior year of college. The shorts are Old Navy, the shoes are New Balance, and the bra is sports. I know, real classy.

Take note of the pile of Converses and of the Chubby butt.

13 June 2013

Ahhhnald! Ahhhnald!!

Today we did squats at the gym. Well, squats, lunges, hammies, and calves.

Peter crushed me when it came to weight at 335 lbs. I don't think I could even budge 335 lbs, let alone squat 335 lbs.

I came in at 65 lbs. I attempted 85 lbs, but I didn't get deep enough in the pocket for it to count. But hey, I'll take 65 lbs any day!

Today at Water Street Studios (the place where I volunteer) a man came in interested in looking around the gallery space. We got to chatting, and he told us that he works for Trader Joe's doing the art on various signs and chalk boards. How cool is that?!?!?! And that is what he was hired for. They didn't hire him as a cashier and later found out he could draw. I think that is awesome, and I'm totally jealous of his job. I'm going to have to go to Trader Joe's just to look at the art. He gave me his Facebook url, his work is really freaking awesome! Realistic pencil and marker drawings, along with really sweet comic book inspired drawings. I definitely suggest you check him out!

Run! Forest Run!

This happened yesterday. I have three 5K's under my belt, and I felt like bumping it up a notch. Thusly, I have a date with 6.2 miles on September 21st. I start my training July 1st, so I'll definitely update my progress on this blog. I'm using a program on runnersworld.com. It's pretty awesome. You put in your previous race time, with the next race date, how many miles you run in a week, and it creates a schedule that is adjusted for you. It's really freaking cool, I haven't started the program yet, but I already recommend it!

OH I forgot to mention the race is called, "Run! Forest Run! Fun Run." With a name like that, and with my slight obsession with Forrest Gump, I didn't have a choice, I had to sign up!

Adieu de Chubby Chubbs

It's always nice to come home, after a long night at work to this puppy. She's laying down next to me, sleeping, keeping my left butt cheek warm.

Lots of storms tonight. The tornado siren went off while I was at work, and the manager at Coach was freaking out, ushering people into her store, basically forcing them to stay in their stock room. The sky wasn't green. It wasn't hailing. But apparently there was a tornado touch down about 45-60 minutes away from the mall. Thus, the paranoia.

Switching gears a little bit, I talked a little bit with Julien (my ex-fiance) today. my dog anyway, Chubbs belonged more to Julien.
Ohana. It's small, and broken. But good. Yeah, good.
My mom and I are driving up to the Canadian border a week from Sunday to drop off Chubbs so he can stay with Julien. He finally has a stable job, a stable home, and a stable life style, so he can support Chubbs. And I'm happy I can be giving him the dog. Yes, I'm going to miss him, his smiling and snorty face is hard to forget, but I know giving him to Julien will only enrich his life more. One of the main reasons why I wanted to end it in the first place was because I felt our lifestyle together was holding him back. And now that he's losing weight, he's being more active, he has a stable job, and he's not playing games as much, my thinking had some merit to it. I'm keeping Nutella (the one pictured above), so I won't be puppy-less. Nutella was always more

Understanding this, and not being so selfish with Chubbs, I think, ultimately makes me a better person. Everyday I'm constantly learning more about myself and evolving into someone I think is pretty cool.

12 June 2013

Ain't nothing but a peanut!

Today at the gym, Peter and I did some deadlifts. Pictured to the left, you basically squat down to pick up some heavy ass weight, and lock out your hips once you're at the top. Now, Peter managed to lift 435 pounds, which, you know, is  impressive. But little, weak and fraile Aimee managed to lift 110 pounds. BOOM, new PR (personal record). 

I managed to do this by getting mean. Getting angry, like that guy from Dodgeball. A girl was in the gym today that used to work with Peter, and who is kinda, well, overly friendly, if you catch my drift. So in order to get pumped and psych myself out, I said, "I'm prettier than she is, pfft, I can lift heavy weight, I hope she's watching!!" And it worked!

11 June 2013


Today I applied for my 8th job within the past 2 weeks. I want need a different job. Don't get me wrong, I love working at the chocolate store. Working there means working with Peter, and while some might not like working with their significant other, I quite enjoy it. If only because we get to spend that extra time together, and get paid while doing so.

But really, a part time job working in an outlet mall, infested with tourists and angry single mothers is not what I expected to do with my life after college. I have a BA for crying out loud, and half a masters degree! So, I've been very actively looking for different jobs, either in a library or secretary work. Today is was for an Adult Services Assistant (so official).

Some background information. I work at a Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory, at the Chicago Premium Outlet Mall. The store is right across the way from a Coach outlet store. Every weekend there is a line of at least 20 people waiting to get in. I stole the picture on the right from FourSquare. As you can see (or maybe you can't see) the Coach store is to the left of Tommy Hilfiger. And I bet that line of people exceeds past the parameter of the photo. Anyway, those people are crazy (stupid), BUT they send their husbands and/or children to buy chocolate while they're in line, so I guess it isn't all that bad.

10 June 2013

Here goes

Me with new-born baby Chevy, my nephew.
October 22nd, 2012. That was my last blog post. Since then, I've gotten unengaged, bought a wedding dress, become an auntie, and been accepted to (another) graduate school to finish my MLIS.

But I'm not here to talk about all that. The way I've handled the last four or five months haven't been, well, ideal. I pissed a lot of people off, and some of them are probably still pissed off at me. But, like I said, I'm not here for that. I'm here, on my little piece of internet real estate, to talk about how I'm bettering myself as a person, both mentally and physically.

When you go through major changes like I did this year, you learn a lot about yourself, but you also learn a lot about others, the ones you associate yourself with. I know I'm not going to stay friends with every-single-person I meet. That's unrealistic. When I ask my mom or dad how many friends they still have from high school, or even college, the numbers are quite low. Yes, you might have a high number of Facebook friends, but let's get real, many of those friendships are fake. Oh hey, girl-I-haven't-seen-since-high-school, happy birthday bestie!! Do you think that girl who has over 1,000 Facebook friends is 'actually' friends with over 1,000 people?! No. Anyway, I guess sometimes major changes 'need' to happen, because then you know who really has your back.

Anyway, switching gears almost completely, I'm seeing someone new, named Peter. He is a body builder, who knows how to take care of himself, both mentally and physically. He's pretty freaking wonderful, you're probably going to be hearing a lot about him.

I miss blogging, I'm going to do it more often, promise. Great ready, because loveyourself-todayy is back in business.