13 June 2013

Adieu de Chubby Chubbs

It's always nice to come home, after a long night at work to this puppy. She's laying down next to me, sleeping, keeping my left butt cheek warm.

Lots of storms tonight. The tornado siren went off while I was at work, and the manager at Coach was freaking out, ushering people into her store, basically forcing them to stay in their stock room. The sky wasn't green. It wasn't hailing. But apparently there was a tornado touch down about 45-60 minutes away from the mall. Thus, the paranoia.

Switching gears a little bit, I talked a little bit with Julien (my ex-fiance) today. my dog anyway, Chubbs belonged more to Julien.
Ohana. It's small, and broken. But good. Yeah, good.
My mom and I are driving up to the Canadian border a week from Sunday to drop off Chubbs so he can stay with Julien. He finally has a stable job, a stable home, and a stable life style, so he can support Chubbs. And I'm happy I can be giving him the dog. Yes, I'm going to miss him, his smiling and snorty face is hard to forget, but I know giving him to Julien will only enrich his life more. One of the main reasons why I wanted to end it in the first place was because I felt our lifestyle together was holding him back. And now that he's losing weight, he's being more active, he has a stable job, and he's not playing games as much, my thinking had some merit to it. I'm keeping Nutella (the one pictured above), so I won't be puppy-less. Nutella was always more

Understanding this, and not being so selfish with Chubbs, I think, ultimately makes me a better person. Everyday I'm constantly learning more about myself and evolving into someone I think is pretty cool.

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