16 June 2013

Wife Swap

So, I'm watching Wife Swap this morning, and I get to an episode where a super healthy mom swapped lives with a super Italian, heavier mom. And let me tell you, the super healthy mom is really making me angry because all she does, the entire episode is fat shaming. I feel like she feels entitled to making those comments because she lost 80 pounds, because she grew up fat. Bull, you're not higher up, you're not above everyone because you used to be fat, now you're thin. It was like she lost 80 pounds, but gained 80-thousand pounds of cockiness. I mean, she stands while eating dinner (while her family sits) because it burns more calories. She just... bugs me. Thoughts?

Maybe I just like being healthy, but I also like eating (especially big Italian dinners). My family, my heart, is a big Italian meal. And I love that! But I also love being healthy and not feeling like I'm going to die after a meal. So seeing both extremes clash really annoyed me, when I can live with both extremes in my life perfectly.

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