03 January 2014

1/2 Marathons... WHAT?

My dear friend Sheena sent out an email to her runner friends the other day. It was advertising the Chicago Women's Half Marathon and 5K. I tweeted her asking which she was interested in, the 1/2 of the 5K. I said I'd sign up for the 1/2 and train/run it with her. So... that's what we're doing!

I can't believe I'm doing this.......

13.1 miles, that's more than 2 10Ks, one right after another. What happened to the girl who loathed running the mile in high school? Nowadays, 1 mile is a cakewalk. I like running because it allows me to prove something to myself. It allows me to conquer something I once hated, and it makes me feel strong. I like myself when I'm running.

Anyway, I printed out a 24 week training schedule using the same design and layout from my 10K training program. I liked it, and it worked well for me. I must admit, it's a bit terrifying seeing my long run days. 11 miles, 12 miles, 13 miles. I'm petrified. But also excited. It begins March 17th with a 4 mile run. I have 3 months to get to the point where 3-4 miles is considered easy.


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