06 March 2016


I've been very mopey lately. Mopey as in sad and needy. I'm not sure why. I got this way for about a month before I started my period last cycle. I went 3 months between periods, birth control screwed up my system... so my body did everything it was supposed to do, up until it was time to ovulate. I needed to take pills in-order to jump start my system. Anyway, needless to say, I was PMSing for at least a month. It drove Peter insane, and it really got to me too. I have a feeling I'm experiencing the same thing this time around. It's very frustrating not ovulating, especially when you're trying to get pregnant. 

[Real-talk: Peter just read my post and made me a balloon animal rhino to make me feel better.]

I'm going to talk to my doctors tomorrow about getting on some medication to help get regular. I've heard that there is such thing as reverse birth control, so it's really easy to know when you're ovulating and when you need to try. And when you've been actively trying with your husband for 8 months with no success, you start to lose hope. I'm willing to try anything at this point. 

I really think my messed up hormones make me like this. I'm sad, but I can't crawl out of this hole. I cannot rely 100% on people pulling me out either, so something needs to change. I don't like being sad. 

In other news, I'm about 100 pages into my book! I'm liking it, and will definitely post a review when I'm finished. 


  1. Hey Aimee, I just wanted to send some hugs your way. It's definitely frustrating when you're trying to get pregnant and it seems like nothing is happening. I can say that it can take quite awhile for your body to regulate itself again after going off of birth control. When I went off the pill, it was probably a full year before my cycle became regular again, and during most of that time I was trying to get pregnant with my ex with no success. It's frustrating to just have to wait it out, but your body may just need more time. *hug*

    1. Yeah, from what I heard and read, it'll take at least a year. I wish I would have known, because then I would have stopped my birth control sooner! Oh well... Thanks for the hugs! It'll happen when my body is ready. Until then, let's keep drinkin'! <3
