29 March 2016

Wentworth Miller & body shaming

As some of you may know, from 2011-2012, I was obsessed with the show, "Prison Break." Julien had introduced it to me, and it really helped me get through my year in Montreal. The star of the show, Wentworth Miller, was very fit, and was often depicted shirtless to show off his giant-blueprint tattoo. Fox has recently announced that they're filming another season (!!!), so the actors are surfacing again. Specifically, Wentworth.

Yesterday he was the target of a cruel internet meme.

He combats the meme and goes on saying that the picture on the right was taken at one of the lowest points in his life. A point where he had suicidal thoughts, and turned to food for comfort. So he gained weight. And he happened to run into paparazzi.

People turn to body shaming right away without knowing anything about the person. They assume the worst, which is a really shitty thing for a person to do. Not all skinny people are healthy, and not all overweight people are unhealthy. Things happen in their personal life that may cause them to gain or lose a substantial amount of weight. The size of someone's body doesn't alter who they are as a person, and we should never, ever make fun of someone because of it.

Assuming someone gained weight because of Mcdonald's Monopoly is like assuming someone with a belly is pregnant, or that someone with a nose scar just got punched in the face... You wouldn't shouldn't mention those things without knowing them personally. How is this any different?

Wentworth's reaction is a good read. I suggest you look it up, or click the link above.

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