27 May 2012


I've been away for a while. I've been slacking on the Vs Thursdays and Feel-Good, Freak-Out Friday, and for that, I apologize.

I haven't been slacking, though, with my "healthy" life. I've been eating at a higher calorie intake (1864) for about 2 weeks now. While it feels good knowing I can eat more than I was accustomed to, I found myself eating worse than I was accustomed to. For example, last weekend, Julien and I went out or had take out or fast food for 4 days in a row, yet I was always under my calorie goal. I felt like crap, but I was under, and I don't think that's how it works. I should be eating healthier higher calorie foods. Just because I have room to splurge with a cheeseburger, doesn't mean I should.

Since then, I've gotten better with food. Still not the greatest, but better.

When it comes to a healthier lifestyle, working out and getting active isn't going to be my problem, it's the heathy eating and the vegetables. I'm thinking about making my green smoothies again, since it's warm outside and a nice treat after a workout. I don't like green/yellow/red/orange peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers. Last time I ate raw broccoli I felt like puking, and I only see myself eating asparagus at dinner time. I'm not sure what a healthy salad looks like, though I'm sure I can find recipes.

I just love food, and I have a hard time saying no and/or eating in moderation. Because, let's face it, if there is an open bag of Doritos in front of me, I won't hesitate to eat the whole bag, and feel terrible about it afterwards.

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