07 May 2012

Meme Monday

If life is so short, why do we do so many things we don’t like and like so many things we don’t do?

Wow, that's deep. My guess would be we're afraid to do the things we like, either because we'll spend too much money, or we might fail. People like to feel safe, and that means making a decent living doing something they don't necessarily want to do, but they feel like they have to do.

Hey! This question closely relates to my life right at this moment. I haven't gone very public with this bit of information yet (just on twitter, which is not publicly visible), but I'm I think it's time. I'm dropping out of McGill and going after my art dreams. I won't be returning to Library School in the fall, instead I'll be busting my ass doing an intensive online art program with The Art Department. I pursued Library School in the first place to ensure safety. I'd always have a job because, even though you may think libraries are going out of style, they won't ever actually do that. But I wasn't happy, so I'm doing something I've always loved, which is art. I always seem to run back to it, so it must be a sign that it's what I'm meant to do. I honestly cannot wait!


  1. Yayyyyyyy Aimee! I'm so happy for you! :D

  2. That's great! Go for it, girl. Travel is my passion & people think I'm crazy, but it's all worth it in the end.
