25 April 2012

30 Day Shred

For my birthday, one of my friends got me a $15 gift card to Chapters. Since I have a kindle, and can get books (totally legally...) over the internets for free, I had no idea what to get. Perhaps a funky book end or a fun, over-priced notebook... But then I happened upon the health and fitness section and found a Jillian Michael's DVD. She's pictured on the right. Smoking hot, right? Why wouldn't you want to look like THAT?!

The 30 Day Shred has been a huge topic of interested on the MyFitnessPal forums. Since I don't want to steal pics from these nice people, click here to browse through some pictures of before and after results. I hope that link works...

Anyway, I did day 1 today. The instructions are super clear, but there is a total of 3 20 minute workouts on the DVD, each progressively getting harder. I thought you'd do each workout for 30 days, but from what I'm reading, you do each for 10 days, for a total of 30 days. We'll see what happens. I don't have hand weights, so I'm using black bean cans...

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