22 April 2012

I have really been slacking in my blogging lately. Between pre-birthday celebrations, eating way too much, having mental breakdowns, and breaking through that breakdown, I think it's acceptable to focus on my life first, before blogging.

Let's keep things simple...
Friday: 103 calories left in my day.
Saturday: Over by nearly 700 calories.

Friday: Ate at home, went to the gym.
Saturday: Pre-Birthday celebrations, ate out 4 times, did not go to the gym. Eating out includes: chicken and brie quesadilla panini's, cookie dough ice cream cones, mochacinnos and crepes, goat cheese, steak, and french fries. As you can imagine, I was hurting pretty bad. After nearly a week of behaving, eating lots of small portions throughout the day, eating two really big portions nearly killed me. Pardon my French, but I felt like le shit.

Stomach pains aside, I had a really great time with my brother and sister in law. They're always fun to be around and provide good, solid advise and laughter.

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