12 April 2012

Today was really, really exciting. A number of eventful things happened, so let's just start a bulleted list:

  • I handed in my final 2 papers of the year. Summer vacation time!
  • I had lunch with some Library School buddies, and celebrated summer with panini's, chinese food, and breakfast.
  • I finally picked up my Easter basked at the post office that my mom and dad sent me. Including: two Lindt gold bunnies, Eiffel tower novelty tissues, toe separators, a 1 foot tall yellow chicken, fun Easter ornament-things, a tape measure, and a chocolate scented bunny, which I gave to Chubbs.
  • I watched 3 or 4 episodes of Prison Break.
  • Holy crap, I went to the gym! First time in nearly 2 weeks! 
  • I went on a happy-end-of-semester shopping trip to Old Navy. I bought an Ironman shirt (on which I performed surgery), a hippie shirt, jogging pants, jogging shorts, 6 pairs of socks, and gladiator-type flip flops. 
  • Julien and I might landed an apartment near his parents house. Since tomorrow is (still) Passover, and we'll be heading out that way, we'll be signing the lease. And depending on when someone can move into our current apartment, we might be moving out May 1st... Our landlord wants to take a month to do some renovations, so if he finds new tenants for June 1st, we need to be out by May 1st, and so on. Depending on what actually happens, the rest of the month might be stressful.
Anyway, because I went to the gym left the house today, I managed to rack up exercise calories, so I finally wasn't over my intake, or 10 calories from my limit. I feel so good after leaving the gym, I can't understand how people can just sit around all day without doing any physical movement besides clicking a computer mouse. I get a certain high from feeling my muscles ache, it might be an obsession. Oops. 

Only 16 more days until my 5K race. I can't believe it... I'm raising money for the MS society of Canada. If you'd like to donate, please do here

Gym Stats
  • Treadmill; 2.64 km; 23 minutes; 276 calories.
  • Abs; 0 lbs; 25 reps, 5 times.
  • Biceps; 60 lbs; 10 reps, 4 times.
  • Triceps; 35 lbs; 10 reps, 3 times.
  • Overall strength training; 17 minutes; 112 calories. 

1 comment:

  1. I apologize in advance if I wind up overloading your blog with comments... I'm just catching up on all the blog reading I've fallen behind on in the past few weeks.
    I need to go on my own happy-end-of-semester shopping trip... I'm glad yours was so successful! I want an Ironman shirt! What surgery did you perform on it?
