10 April 2012

All was well today... until Julien and I went to his parents house for dinner. I swear, I never know how to log dinner there. But his mom served up whole artichokes, so that was amazing. It was the first time I dissected an artichoke, ripping off the leaves, slowly undressing it, until you RIP ITS HAIR OUT and nom on its heart. (Sexual zombie much?)

We were out by his parents in the first place because we're looking for a new apartment. I think we found one too! It's close to his parents, so we'll get free food, which will be nice. The living room in the new place is basically the size of our current place, and there are so many cupboards in the kitchen and there are two bathrooms, two bedrooms, a garage, AC, and a weird concrete patio/yard thing. Maybe then we can finally outside train the puppies. Anyway, I really like it. The one thing that sucks is we'll be paying a bit more for it monthly and I'll have to take the metro downtown daily (it's about a 45 minute commute). But it'll be worth it, I think.


  1. Yay! So glad you guys found a place! It sounds great. :) When do you move, not till July, right?

    1. We're not sure when we're moving. Our landlord wants to do some renovations on our current apartment, so if he finds a new tenant for July 1st, he'll want us out by June 1st. If he finds a new tenant for June 1st, we'll have to be out by MAY 1ST. But if all goes to plan, we'll be signing a new lease tomorrow, and since the new place is brand new, our new landlord is letting us move in whenever is OK for us. Stressful, stressful.
