06 April 2012

FGFOF: Holidays

Feel-Good: It's nearing summer holiday. I can hear you say, "But Aimee! It's only April 6th! Spring just began!!" C'est vrai, mais I had my last class of the semester on Thursday. My last two assignments are due next Thursday, meaning after that, I won't have another class until September. WHA-BAM! Feelin' good!

Freak-Out: I'm missing Easter with my family. Last Thanksgiving was the first time I missed any sort of family holiday get together. Easter will be my second, but Easter hurts me a tiny bit more because Easter is my favorite holiday. Growing up, Easter was never about zombie Jesus. Easter was (and still is) about family, Italian food, baskets, and Easter egg hunts. That's right, the youngest person in my family is turning 21 this year, but damnit, we still have egg hunts. I love-love-LOVE Easter, and I know when Sunday comes around, I'll be just a tiny bit upset. But my dad rigged up the computer to his 62 inch TV, so I can skype with everyone on the big screen. I won't be the same, but I'm really, really glad technology nowadays can allow me to be home, even if it's through the internet.

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