26 April 2012

Today was probably the best food day I've had this week. 130 calories left over, hitting 1200 calories exactly, after exercising. AND I got to eat a bag of Doritos and a Toaster Strudel.  I'd say that's a win.

Many-an-errand had to get done today, what with getting a check to buy a car and picking up my official number for the race on Sunday. I was carrying around a Subway sandwich for a good 2 hours before eating it because I was running around so much. Sweet, sweet, Subway sandwich.

My sister in law, Jennie, signed me up for another 5K that is happening May 6th, just a week after my first 5K. She got me a discount, so I'm pretty excited! I'm making Julien wake up early 2 Sunday's in a row... but it's okay, I have to stay up late for him every Thursday, he owes me.

OH! I did day 2 of the 30 Day Shred today. It hurts to stand up, sit down, climb stairs, walk, raise my arms up or down, and move in general. For some reason my calves really kill, and I'm starting to wonder if I shouldn't have started before my race... hopefully my muscles will calm down a bit before Sunday...

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