Movement Stats
- Treadmill; 44 minutes; 5.23 km; 519 calories.
- Abs; 0 lbs; 25 reps, 5 times.
- Quads; 45 lbs; 10 reps, 4 times.
- Overall Strength Training; 15 minutes; 80 calories.
- Walking the dogs; 15 minutes; 56 calories.
-Favourite sea creature: Either seals or narwals or blob fishes.
-Favourite type of vehicle: Mini Cooper. Preferably a yellow one or a white one. It would be the ultimate item in my mini collection.
-Favourite time of day: Lunchtime. No, wait, anytime where I'm eating.
-Favourite article of clothing: A big, fluffy sweatshirt. Preferably one with a hood.
-Favourite period of history: About 1430 in Florence, Italy. Because that's when Donatello's David was commissioned and made.
-Favourite word: Anything that rhymes with -oodle. For example, moodle, noodle, doodle, etc.