10 March 2012

Recipe: Dark Chocolate Drizzle Popcorn

You see the magestic goodness here -->
It's only 110 calories per cup. That's right! I was inspired by Snack Girl, which is probably my most favorite healthy website. She featured an article about DYI popcorn, and ever since I saw it, I knew I wanted to try it. You basically put 1/4 of a cup of popcorn kernels into a brown paper bag (like the ones you took to elementary school), tape it, and microwave it. Why would you ever buy expensive boxed popcorn ever again?! You don't need expensive air poppers, or other mechanisms, which is very nice.

Anyway, 2-3 minutes in the microwave and you have over 1 cup on popcorn! No added salt, butter, chemicals, etc.

She more recently featured this article, which involved the same popcorn and a dark chocolate drizzle. I had to try it! I finally found brown paper bags at my local dollarstore, and went to it. It was very easy to do. I guestimated 3 cups of popcorn popped, so I melted 3 tablespoons of chocolate, because the serving size was 1 tablespoon, get where I'm going? I've very excited to partake in this magic, as it it currently hardening. I'm equally excited that I can satisfy a sweet tooth for about 110 calories!

1 cup popcorn: ~30 calories
1 tablespoon dark chocolate: ~80 calories

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