30 March 2012

FGFOF: life stages edition

Feel-Good, Freak-Out Friday
Feel-Good: Julien and I put money down on a sexy, 2-door, white Honda Civic.
Freak-Out: Now we definitely have to move. Bring on the stress of finding a place, packing, moving, and unpacking!

We're contemplating moving closer to his parents. I wouldn't mind so much, we'd get food brought over pretty often, and we'd be paying less the same amount in rent as we do now for a bigger place. My only concerns is that my commute to school would double in time (thankfully, I don't have any 8:30 am classes next Fall), and I'd also like to be near an Energie Cardio. But since we'll have a car, that's not a huge concern. I can easily drive to the gym, if it's too far to walk. Also, since it would be harder to just pop in to let the dogs out, meaning they'd be stuck at home, probably in their cages for the majority of the day. All things Julien and I will have to think about.


  1. Honda Civics are awesome! But why does that mean you have to move?

    1. Because where we're living now, we don't need a car. And also, we want to move. I guess having a car will give us more of a reason to.
