26 March 2012

Meme Monday: sloth edition

If I were an animal, I would be a: Personally? I wouldn't be a cool animal, like a tiger. I'd be more like a shy, meek animal, who likes to be alone or in small groups. Maybe I'd be a sloth... Yeah, a sloth. I mean, look at it. It's so happy, and all sloths worry about is where to sleep next. (I actually don't know much of anything about sloths.)

If I were given the opportunity to go into space, I would: call up Lance Bass and be like, "brb, going to space."

If I were to develop a superpower, my superpower would be: The power to eat, and eat, and eat, but instead of gaining fat, I'd gain muscle. Yeah, can you imagine how buff I'd be?!

If I were able to use a time machine, I would: slap High School Aimee in the face and tell her, "Paul is a chump. What if I told you you'd be engaged to a French guy by the time you're 22? End it now with him because he won't change, ride out the next 3 years, and he'll find you."

If I were an actor, my favourite role would be: I'd probably play the person who is most like myself... I know, dumb answer. When I was in 5th grade (and 170 pounds), I played the fatty, whose tag line was, "FOOOOOOD," said in a deep voice. I would rub my belly, and everyone would laugh. At the time I thought I had a future in acting (ha!), but looking back, I think I was cast because I was a large child.

If I were able to meet my idol, living or dead, it would be: Billy Idol! Kidding. I'd want to meet Forrest Gump. Not Tom Hanks, Forrest Gump. He's a good idol to have. Stupid is as stupid does.

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